Your Future Starts Today

The Future Career Academy began as a partnership between Hillsborough County Public Schools and the business community in 2015 to disrupt the cycle of dead-end or low-paying jobs for non-college bound students and to put them on the path to in-demand, living wage entry-level jobs in their communities with long-term career growth and sustained employment.

Students not attending college need to be prepared and connected to the great jobs and career paths in our communities. They need quality jobs, and businesses in our community need a prepared workforce in order to grow and meet their hiring needs.

The Future Career Academy model is meant to be replicated and sustainable in communities to tie together geographically-defined businesses and schools. It is currently serving more than 8,000+ students countywide. All English 4 and English 4 Honors students in Hillsborough County are enrolled.


The mission of the Future Career Academy is to prepare and connect students to the great jobs and training opportunities in their community.
The vision of the Future Career Academy is to create life-changing opportunities for students and their families, while helping companies grow and providing an economic catalyst for communities to thrive.


Full-year integrated approach in the classroom and in partnership with the community focused on students not attending college